Project CETI
Innovative Genomics Institute
Using CRISPR genome editing on a few common crops, a team of plant and soil scientists seeks to vastly increase and speed up carbon storage to help fight climate change.
Give boldly by supporting the work of Audacious grantees making a big impact.
Institute for Protein Design
The COVID-19 outbreak catalyzed protein based vaccine design - now scientists are poised to tackle the next viral threat and maybe even stop it.
This protein-based vaccine outperforms Oxford/AstraZeneca's and does not require freezing. It is our first designed protein medicine.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Some are longer than a blue whale. Others are barely larger than a grain of sand. One species unleashes one of the most deadly venoms on earth; another holds a secret that’s behind some of the greatest breakthroughs in biology. They’ve inhabited the ocean for at least half a billion years, and they’re still flourishing. David Gruber investigates the secret powers of jellyfish.
Check out this issue of WHOI's magazine, Oceanus, to get an inside look at all their efforts to explore the twilight zone.
You may think of the twilight zone as a TV sci-fi series, but it also refers to that deep, dark, mid layer of the ocean that has been largely ignored —until now.
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