Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
You won’t see these amazing animals on a day at the beach, but they’re there — living in the vast, cold, unexplored midwater region of the ocean.
The sea's murky depths might host more life than we thought. That's the preliminary conclusion of scientists who this week completed the inaugural cruise of the Ocean Twilight Zone (OTZ) initiative.
Tests of a new vehicle called Deep-See will begin to build a detailed picture of life below the sunlit surface of the ocean.
Project CETI
With artificial intelligence and painstaking study of sperm whales, scientists hope to understand what these aliens of the deep are talking about.
The strange story of an unlikely crew of people who band together to take on one of our largest problems using nothing but whale sounds, machine learning, and a willingness to think outside the box. Even stranger, several of the world's most accomplished scientists seem to think they might have a good idea.
Institute for Protein Design
For years, scientists have been warning us about the alarming rise in drug-resistant bacteria — but it doesn’t have to be our future.
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